Beauty Pageants Through The Years, Part 2

Beauty pageants have not been with happenings, deceit, and tarnished reputations. For example, in 1937, just after being crowned, Bette Cooper decided she just wanted to go residence and left, which caused an vast search and struggle for pageant officials. In 1957, Leona Gage, Miss USA was ripped of her crown after her husbands mother disclosed that she was the mother of two children and married.

In 1973, Miss World and the first American to hold the crown, lost her crown and heading, owing to rumors floating around about many affairs. In 1984, Vanessa Williams, the first black woman to win the heading of Miss America, resigned from her heading and crown for the reason that she had posed for nude photographs in the extended adult magazine Penthouse. On about the same note in 2006, Miss marvelous Britain, loses her heading and crown after she was discovered to have relations with member of the judging panel, and also posing in nude photographs for the adult magazine Playboy.

The Miss America Beauty Pageant has had 87 winners from a diversity of states, Miss USA has had ten winners, one of which went on to win Miss Universe, and 23 Miss Teen USA winners, since the beauty pageants began. A fascinating Miss Teen USA fact is that 8 states have yet to have any girls place as a finalist in the beauty pageant.

As long as women have a fascination with beauty, beauty pageants will restart to be as extended as they have constantly been. Married or unmarried women, teens, pre-teens, and even toddlers enter beauty pageants today, all around the world. There is constantly a pageant. In the south, there are schools that hold their own beauty pageants such as “Little Miss Fourth District” for a elementary school in Georgia, or small Miss Tree Festival, there is no age limit in beauty pageants today.