Be Aware of Beauty Pageant Weight Requirements

MINNEAPOLIS (WOMENSENEWS)–If you are thinking about entering a beauty pageant, it’s important to be aware of the weight requirements. You have to be within a certain range in order to even participate, which can make some women feel like they aren’t beautiful enough. In fact, a study of 131 beauty contestants found that 26% had been told they were either thought to have or actually had an eating disorder. It is also estimated that young women who suffer from an eating disorder die 12 times more often than those who don’t.

The criteria for participation in a beauty pageant has evolved over the years, but many of them still focus on promoting antiquated standards of beauty. They can include height and measurement requirements as well as a requirement for a high level of fitness. Some pageants exclude mothers from participating, implying that they are somehow diminished in beauty.

But it’s possible to participate in a beauty pageant without having to be thin. Several beauty pageants are embracing diversity in their contestants and are no longer focusing on how much a woman weighs. A good way to be healthy and fit for a beauty pageant is by eating a healthy diet, getting plenty of exercise and getting enough sleep. Keeping your energy levels up will help you be confident and at your best when competing. In addition, it’s always a good idea to practice your public speaking skills for the interview and talent competition portions of a pageant.