25 Little Known Facts About Beauty Pageants

Beauty pageants began as a worldwide phenomenon, with contests taking place in almost every culture and theme. Despite the stereotype, beauty pageants are still an extremely popular pastime, with women spending months preparing for five minutes on stage. Here are 25 Little Known Facts About Beauty Pageants. In the 1930s, the average beauty pageant BMI was 20.8, which was considered healthy. In 2010, the average beauty-pageant BMI was 16.9, which means that contestants today are considered underweight.

Beauty pageants have a colorful history, and the rules have evolved over time. The first beauty pageant was held in Atlantic City, and was created by circus showman P.T. Barnum, who asked women to submit photos for judging. It was not until the late 1870s that pageants were founded, though, and the world of competitions was born. In the 1930s, the average BMI for beauty pageant contestants in the United States was 20.8, and in 2010, the average BMI was 16.9, but that number has since risen.

As a result, beauty pageants have evolved throughout history. The first pageant, held in Atlantic City, was the first to hold a Jewish woman as the winner. The Jewish woman’s win was considered a victory against the Holocaust, and the world was moved by her triumph. Moreover, in the first Miss America pageant, the audience’s appeal was considered a 50% factor in the voting. Interestingly, there are over 3,000 women listed in the International Register of Pageants.